Hey there SDA,
As we all know the article is a bit down lately apart from Fanfics. Sure fanfics are nice to read and for main entertainment, props to the people doing those on a frequent bases.
As some of you might know, I'm still trying to keep on making articles for SDA with the priority to teach or to inform you guys about anything I think you hould know. For example the what to look out for Article, I included everything I think that is relevant for to most events/tournaments you are entering in KCVDS and real life, so that you can prepare yourself to the max. I wish to continue this, but I need the helpf of you guys/girls.
Let me know what you wish to see as a new article from me myself and I. Of course there are some limits to your requests. A limit being something like the following request:
Article: Meta
Subject: Analyse on the below Tier 3 in your opinion.
Of course the article can be done by me, myself and I, but I do not think it will be educational although it could be fun. But I'm here to try to inform you guys of some things to keep in mind while building a deck, dueling, entering an event etc etc.
So hit me up in here with your request(s) and I will see what I can do for ya.
TDP over and out.