Yep :). I would use plants as your engine, not the whole deck, it just works better that way. Here's your average run of the mill plant engine:
Lonefire Blossom x2
Tytannial (more than 1=dead draw, plus it's a good idea to go lonefire into lonefire into tytannial to fill up ur grave and thin ur deck)
Glow Up Bulb
Any other plants should only be added if they help the engine. The way you want to build a deck is not "I wan to build plants...I think I will pick the best plants and put them together." you want to use the plant's strength and combine them with other engines. The plants that aren't in the engine that you could use depending on the deck are:
Lion (in black garden control)
gigaplant (in gigavise)
Tomato (in some forms of Chaos Plants)
Cards that work best with plants are Debris Dragon and Ryko. So yeah I would pick a deck type instead of throwing plants together. Deck types that use the engine include:
Chaos Plants
Normal Debris Plants
Black Garden Control
QuickDraw Debris