Double post ftw! Okay I've been messing around with them recently and familiarized myself with them more so here's my two cents. The gods, while somewhat easy to summon, shouldn't be your main/only focus. You have to consider how good the Nordics actually are by themselves. If they're not that good they're not worth playing. You have good basic structure though. I can't say I'm an expert like in other decks but here's what I've found to work so far:
-2 vanidas (she isn't that good by herself. Maybe run 2 just so you can send it to grave when she's normal summoned and revive Odin a 2nd time. But the Nordic Beasts are the best of the 3 so it's better to focus on them and Thor even though Odin is better)
-2 other Ascendant tuner (see above)
-1 tanngjostr (just not needed at 3. Wouldn't kill you to run 3 but I believe there are better cards)
-1 book (:( I want to keep it though)
-2 forbidden lance (just not needed with 2 stun, 2 mst, and trunade)
-1 compulsory
-1 Odin (rarely can you summon him more than once and you need more variety)
-1 Thor (see above)
-1 formula (impossible to summon here)
-1 shooting (see above)
-1 android (lv 5s almost never are summoned)
-1 arm (impossible to summon unless you normal veiler xD)
+2 thunder king rai oh (proness, especially in this format against this meta)
+1 sangan (searches many things)
+2 duality (duh)
+2 avarice (grave fills faster than you may think and you need draw power. I may drop it to 1 to keep book)
+2 bottomless (kills stuff...)
+1 ancient sacred wyvern (AWESOME. Frequently surpasses Odin's attack)
+1 brd (easy lv 7 in this deck)
+1 scrap archfiend (level 7s come easy. A beatstick)
+1 ancient fairy (kills gk and dragunity)
+1 Gaia knight