Hi there, very fun duels
Hmm off to your results
You won 2 duels so (10/15)
Very good! I have never tested someone that got 20/20 in a skill so well done!
DECK BUILD (16/20)
Your first deck was very good.It had all the froggies and all the monarchs we need.Again vey good job (9/10)
Your second deck was a bit slow, i opposed it very easily.Also the Eatos is a good addition but it may slow your deck (7/10)
You handled your monarchs in an almost perfect way.Well done (9/10)
Your second deck was slow but this was more because of the deck build..(7/10)
Your average playstyle is stilll really good
Well you made it to brionac just for one point, congrats
Your rank is Brionac Blue