If anyone can help me with this I would be grateful.
Let's say I have a Brain Reasearch Lab on my field with 8 or more counters on it. I set an MST and BBTD and End my turn. My opponent draws. Now here is the deal:
Can I activate MST, destroy my Lab, and when its effect activates chain BBTD?
On a random post I saw on Youtube sbdy sais you can't. So I searched BBTD rulings and saw that it has to be chained on the activation of an effect that inflicts damage. So that excludes cards like Wave-Motion Cannon which you send from the field to the hand to inflict damage (well I don't fully understand that so plz enlighten me on this one). Anyway, when I noticed that Lab's burn effect activates AFTER that card has been removed from the field my hopes started growing. Please help!