x2 dozer
x2 anteatereatingant
x3 aztekipede
x2 shield worm
x3 cross sword beetle
x2 bee list
x2 howling insect
x3 koaki meiru beetle
x2 gigaplant
x1 prickle fairy
x1 mst
x1 heavy storm
x1 brain ctrl
x1 scapegoat
x1 insect neglect
x2 insect imitation
x2 verdant sanctuary
x1 burial from the dd
x1 solemn
x2 lair wire
x2 spider egg
x1 mirror
x2 bottomless
total cards: 40
this deck is an insect turbo/swarm one, which is mostly based on dozer & aztekipede, who are the trump cards of this deck. anteatereatingant is also useful for swarming. burial from the dd helps u summon dozer/aztekipede easier. i also have some insect supporting spells/traps (insect neglect, spider egg etc) which can be really annoying and effective against an aggressive deck (GB, machina gadgets etc).
P.S: if i judge by 2 duels in which i used this deck and i won (GB & later spell counter deck), it seems good, because it can show pretty much resistance and it can also mill my foe's deck a bit.