- RoboLady x3
- RoboYaru x3
- Machina Fortress x3
- Machina Force
- Elemental hero Prisma x3
- Elemental Hero Stratos
- Sangan
- King of the Swamp x3
- Elemental hero ocean
- Destiny Hero Defender
- Polymerzation x2
- Future Fusion
- Miracle Fusion x2
- Heavy Storm
- Pot of Avarice
- Hand Destruction x2
- My Body as a Shield x2
- Limiter Removal
- Bottomless Traphole x2
- Mirror Force
- Torrential
- Trap Dustshoot
- Solemn Judgement
- Divine Rath x2
- SuperRoboLady x3
- SuperRoboYariou x3
- Elemental hero AbsoluteZero x3
the main idea of this deck is to either get SuperRoboLady or Yariou then attack and use there swapping abilities during the battle phase to swap to the other, absolute zero is another main part of this deck is because your opponents scared to remove him from the field :) ; the machina fortress is the third main part of the deck and can help set up for pot of avarice and hes effets are quite good :) contructive critisum pleasee :)