I will give the deck 2/10 and that's me being generous. Sorry for being strict but this deck has no real synergy. Many of the cards are useless compared to commonly used staple cards (although I don't realy believe in staples).
Beginning with the spells,
Synchro Strike is useless. Why use it when you can use Fissure or Smashing Ground or even Hammer Shot? You could even use Shield Crush. Smashing and Fissure are the best options, since the monsters you want to kill have high ATK and often low DEF.
Junk Barrage. Other than it's a -1 hand dissadvantage for no real benefit, what if you run on a Ryko? Not to mention that monsters that are put in DEF position usualy don't have high ATK. Prefer Big Bang Shot. You could even equip it to a monster your opponent controls, then kill it so that it's removed from play. That could be potentialy amusing with cards like Stardust Dragon.
Nightmare Steelcage Your opponent will surely run spell/trap destruction cards. Swords of Revealing Light are better, but still not an option. I believe a warrior deck should be agressive and not defensive.
Star Blast is a -1 hand, thus useless, except if you're going for a Blue-Eyes OTK, but in this case, you're not.
Double Summon] is better with gemini cards. Losing 3 cards from your hand leaves you with no options for the rest of the duel though.
Gold Sarcophagus should be reduced to one or none imo. If you're not running an OTK deck or a utility/toolbox deck it is kinda useless. Note that a Warrior deck can be a utility/toolbox deck.
Spirit Force Your opponent will not attack if your field is not empty, unless he has got no options left. The Warrior Returning Alive is a better option that is more aggressive, though useless if your cards are not in the grave.
Defence Draw should be replaced with Mirror Force and 2x Dimensional Prison.
Dark Bribe should be replaced with Solemn Judgement but be careful of how you use it.
Scrubbed Raid is a total defence card that will reduce your field control to 0 in no time. Try to be more aggressive!
Wicked Rebirth might seem good, but you won't need it, except if you're running a Assault Mode deck. Talking about AM, you could try making an AM deck with Collosal Fighter if you want to.
Call of the Haunted is optional. If your deck is aggressive, you won't need it. DOn;t rely on it to save you though, as it can easily be destroyed. Call combos well with the legendary Jinzo.
Nitro Synchron is useless except if you summon Nitro Warrior. Even then you'll need a level 5 monster to synchro summon with 2 monsters. Synchro summoning with more than 2 monsters is a difficult task to perform.
Max Warrior can punish cards like Spirit Reaper or Marshmallon by pumping up to 2200. The reverse effect is annoying, so I recomend that you use Jain, Lightsworn Paladin, if you want a "pump-up" monster (though I wouldn't recomend it).
Shield Warrior can save a monster from being destroyed by battle. So what? Will you use it for a synchro summon to kill what tried to kill you? Try Necro Gardna.
Speed Warrior x1 with no further support like Limiter Overload? No.
Turret Warrior. If you do the math you will see that his ATK his too low. By tributing a moster with 2400 ATK he will pump up to...2400. lol ;P Other than that, his being lvl 5 and special summonable is nice...but too expencive. You can't go around tributing monsters that you will eventualy need to summon him.
Gauntlet Warrior is not that good. Try Command Knight or even Comrade Swordsman of Landstar which are still no-goes.
Level Warrior - ygowikia wrote:
- "Level Warrior" works especially well in a Warrior Toolbox deck because you can use "Reinforcement of the Army" or "The Warrior Returning Alive" to get Warrior Tuner Monsters like "Rose, Warrior of Revenge", "Comrade Swordsman of Landstar", or "Jutte Fighter" (levels 4,3, and 2, respectively) from either the deck or graveyard, respectively, after you Special Summon "Level Warrior" as a level 4 monster. This will allow you to have access to most Synchro Monsters between levels 6-8 very easily.
Drill Synchron could easily prove to be a dead draw.
If you approve of this and want further help, tell me what build you;re aiming towards. If your build is aiming towards Synchro Summoning "Warrior" cards (not warrior types, I mean Drill Warrior, etc) you should build a Quickdraw Dandywarrior deck imo.
If this helped you, please consider pushing the "Thanks" button ;P jk