Well gg's there.Our third duel was the best.I had a long time to play such a good duel!
Let's procced with your results
You won 2 duels so (10/15)
You do not know all the rulings but you take your time to check them . This is one of the most important thinks in a duelist and well done for doing it! You always checked a ruling you couldn't figure out and every time you understood it. Very Very Very Good Job!!!
DECK BUILD : 16/20
Your first deck was great! You take 9/10 for it as it is not the most unique deck in the world but it really impressed me
Your second deck was a usual machina deck. It had all the card that usually are in a machina deck.However it was built greatly
You were good and you made th right decisions in the right time. However sometimes you were hopeless and sometime reckless.Well Done
TOTAL SCORE : 63/75 so you are a Brionac Blue
Congats, go ahead and make a room in your new dorm!
Rank Awarded