We had 2 duels and here are the results:
Deck Build 13/40
Your deck was a Zombie Jinzo Deck and although it seemed like a good idea it was a total disaster out there :P(friendly speaking always). You couldnt set up a single combo and you ended up synchroying with Jinzo Returner in the 1st turn :S. Furthermore your deck seemed like it had no synergy and everything was randomly put. If you drew Future fusion 1st turn you can win otherwise it's a dead deck.
Ruling Knowledge 20/25
Pretty good knowledge you know the rules and the cards and the only problem was chimeratech overdragon. When he comes with Future fusion he is destroyed due to his effect.
Play Style 4/15
I didnt really like your overal approach to the game. 1st turn foolish on plague and eff to sync with returner aint the best opening move. Also diva for diva while i have a 2400 beatstick and you had no backrow is just bad you better set diva :P.
Bonus Points 10/20
You lost both duels so -10
I believe you are a good duelist and the deck just holds you back you can play the deck better try improving it by adding some backrow or some more draw power
Total Score: 47/100
Your Dorm Is: Wurm Purple
I know you can get better and cant to see our rematch :P