We had 2 duels gg's here are your results:
Deck Build(17/30):
Your first deck i didnt really understand what it was i just saw 1 synchro for goyo and nothing more so i cant judge you so good.(5/10). Your second was Machina Gadgets. I saw more this deck so i ll value it higher than the other one. I didnt like the fact you weere running 9 gadgets i prefer 6 but if it suits you then it is fine by me.(12/20)
Ruling Knowledge(15/20):
I cut you 3 points for not knowing that Bottomless Trap Hole cant be activated when Gorz is special summoned during the damage step and 2 points beacuse you only need to discard 1 gadget to summon Machina Fortress from your hand since you can discard itself as well.
Play Style(14/20)
YOu were aggressive with the first deck and a little careless but you were good with the second making right moves at the right time. Maybe that prison on my Genex Controller wasnt the best way to spend your prison but apart from that you played very good.
2 correct ones!
Bonus Pints(5/10)
1 duel won!
Your Final Score Is: 61/100
Your Dorm Is: Goyo Red
Congratz for making it mid Dorm and i think you can go Top Dorm at your Re-Test!!!