Hmm nice duels there.I waited better decks but you were good. Now let's procced with your results
(Rock Bounce vs Diva Zombies 0-2 ) +10
(Lightsworn vs Little City ) +5
Diva Zombies is not meta anymore but it doesn't stop to be a deck which can be built by any player.Little City was better than Diva Deck.I saw all the cards you needed so i have no issues.
(-3)Debris Dragon Card Lore
Debris dragon effect states that you cannot use a lv4 monster as a synchro material.You used a pachy you brainwashed from me.
(-2) Caius the Shadow monarch effect
When you activated Caius effect you removed my necro gardna.Necro gardna is a DARK monster so i had to take 1000 points of damage.I didn't do it and you didn't notice.Check what your opponent is doing so that he will not cheat you
You were absolutely perfect,You thought of every card of the field and you made the best decisions.You always had your backrow prepared and you outbeated me in the last match.Really Really good
TOTAL SCORE : 65 thus you are in Brionac Blue
We will be happy to have you in our war team too
Rank Awarded